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Business Ascension Activation
Anchoring A 5D Mission of Light on Earth
Recording for FREE...
Those who are ready to let go of the old ways of business and embrace the new, will feel this invitation deep within...

Missions come from our soul, and can express themselves as a service or product offered to the world. 

For many ascending missioned souls, business and the way it’s been done for countless years, is no longer in total alignment with the frequency of our Missions.

In this channelled free webinar I’m being guided to go deep on “What is business ascension” 

& the shifts and projects ahead of all New Earth leaders to align their businesses through these changing times on earth.

This Channelled transmission shall be on the evolution path of business.

How we shift from having a business, to having a 5D Mission kingdom or empire of light…

Anchoring & stabilizing the New Earth realities and co-creating a new way of existence on our amazing planet.

During this online event you shall go on a journey of:
  • Letting go of ‘3D business templates’ to create a New Earth - we shall explore what the old & dense templates within business are that cap our divine missions, abundance & personal ascension. 
  • ​De-Activation of a 3D business & leadership template that is creating distortions and challenges even more in this time on Earth.
  • ​Activation of higher realm codes of abundance to support you with greater access to your inner codex of creation and anchoring into realities of deeper freedom.
  • ​​How to navigate the rapid changes in our businesses during our personal ascension. 
  • ​​ Mission Codes - How to go through purging, and rapid inner shifts and not stop calling in our soul tribe to serve - many Missioned souls have experienced pauses in their missions during rapid ascension.
  • ​​ The 5D Mission of Light sacred geometry and how it allows us to embody higher realm codes of Abundance, anchor our soul codex into the planet & stabilize the New Earth realities and timelines for all. ​
  • ​Plus so much more...
I am excited to share these profound and powerful codes with the souls who are being called to do things differently and Co-Create a new world!

Please know, this is a transmission from the codex being shared in my program called New Earth Mission Collective.  

ALL the New Earth Leaders in this collective are also receiving this training as part of their mission evolution and expansion, 

So by joining us, you are experiencing my true body of work as if you had paid for it also. 

Why, would I give it to you for free?


1. You have a soul mission to live your most abundant life and thus change the status quo on Earth.

When more people live in Mission Abundance, co-creating with their soul, soul family, councils of light and Source, 

Serving at the highest, in full alignment with their heart consciousness and divine abundance...

Business truly shall became a way to re-create our world for the better and anchor the new age of existence 

2. If you are being called to take a deep journey of business ascension, this transmission shall give you a taste of what it is like to be in The New Earth Mission Collective and if your soul will call you to work with me more, I’ll explain how at the end of the transmission. 

Choose 5D
Much love 


Register anyway as you will receive free access to the recording.

Yet please do your best to be on live as that is where you can ask questions and experience this training & activation at its fullest!

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Business Ascension Activation -
Anchoring A 5D Mission of Light on Earth
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Gaby Kowalski

New Earth Business, MultiDimensionality & Abundance -Coach/Guide/Channel

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