This is for the ones who embrace having it ALL, the Soul Mission, the Abundance & the Freedom in their highest timeline of existence.

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Recording for FREE...
Activate 5D Business Templates, Create a Multi-Dimensional Mission Empire & Live a Life of Divine Service, Abundance & Freedom
To activate our highest timeline of Business, we take a journey to shift out of old business paradigms and create our own.

We activate our highest timeline of Abundance and change the world.

The New Earth Mission Empire Codex is a Galactic Online Event Recording that has you Activate 5D Business templates & raise your mission business to its highest timeline of Divine Service and Abundance.

In this channelled transmission I share:

💎 The full New Earth Mission Empire Codex
⁃ These are new 5D templates for business that call in soul tribe and raise the frequency in each department to ensure our soul mission is actualized

💎 Soul Mission Galactivation
⁃ Clears any 3D distortion in our mission template & activates deeper layers to our soul mission here on Earth

💎Soul Tribe Galactivation
⁃ Activates connection links to our soul tribe around the globe to call them into our reality so we can serve them

Why, would I give it to you for free?


1. You have a mission to impact more people & when you do, the world will be a better place for us all.

2. If you have a BIG vision & dream, when you see how powerful this body of work is, I trust you will be back for more when you are ready!!!!

Be, Do & Have it ALL


Enter your name and email below and you'll receive instant access to The NEW EARTH MISSION EMPIRE Codex 
Your details are safe and will never be shared with any 3rd parties.

"Before working with Gaby, I was really struggling to ground my vision, to ground my mission and to scale it.

I had already studied about business, I already had an online course and knew that I was here for a big mission.

When I started working with her everything started shifting very, very fast. 

As soon as I signed up for her 5D Business School I started feeling her literally holding me in her field. 

Her trust, her vision, her confidence in me, was already giving me the reassurance I needed to start making shifts in my business. 

We went from mastering all the tech and basics of 3D marketing to learning how to create an awesome 4D and 5D marketing platform. 

Before I was doing about 30K a year selling my online courses and working as a psychic healer. 

Now, ten months after working with Gaby, I'm happy to say that I have earned slightly under 250K already. 

And I wouldn't be surprised if I would hit 300K to 350K in one year, after starting working with her. 

I could feel that this type of growth was a possibility because I could feel it in my field, but actually seeing it in such a short time was absolutely mind blowing and so very exciting. 

My brand is now completely shifted. 

I feel the empowerment and the codes of building my empire and there is so much joy and ease in doing that. 

Thank you very much Gaby for everything that you have done for me."

 -Cendrine Sauvenier 

Founder of Fractal Alchemy 5D Quantum University, Ascension and Mission Mentor and a Trance Channel to the Arcturians.

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