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Leadind a Mission Empire of Light on Earth!
Recording for FREE...
5D Missioned Souls, did not come to Earth to build a business, we came here to co-create a new golden age of existence.

Business exists within a 3D architecture, a grid work based in duality and coded with 3rd density drivers such as fame, success, money & hustle.

Those who are ascending fast can feel that the frequency of “business” does not fully resonate & they need to lower their vibration to play there.

There is a new grid available for us to serve in and still create and share amazing products and services with the world.

It’s made of a 5D architecture, a grid of unity, mission, service and abundance. 

And for the first time ever, I am running a free global event to share this with the world and deliver a powerful activation of this 5D mission grid.

If this resonates I would be honoured for you to join me and together we shall anchor this new Mission Grid and initiate a new paradigm of creation & service!

 In this channeled transmission you shall receive:
  • DISCOVER the difference between the business grid & the mission grid and how to shift your products & services into the 5D grid so you can gracefully continue your ascension & soul mission in full alignment.
  • ​INITIATION: The Activation of the 5D Mission Grid and a shift into your next timelines of service, freedom, sovereignty & abundance.
  • ACTIVATE more of your Soul Blueprint & receive full system upgrades to embody more of your souls unique frequency & mission.
  • ​DISCOVER the path of creating a true legacy & freedom empire of light instead of just a business & how this re-structures the quantum architecture of earth, creating new realities & unlocks timelines of true abundance.
  • ​AND so much more!
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Leadind a Mission Empire of Light on Earth!
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I am excited for what happens in our world after this global initiation & evolution into the 5D Mission Grid 🙏

Please know, this is a part of the codex from The New Earth Mission Collective & ALL the souls in this program are also receiving this as part of their journey, so by joining us, you are experiencing my true body of work as if you had paid for it also.

If you love the codes shared in this transmission & feel deeply called by your soul to join “The New Earth Mission Collective” I shall share how to find out more about it at the end of this event 

 I am sooooooo excited to share this truly amazing grid & codes with the world 💜

Choose 5D
Much Love,
Gaby 💜

Gaby Kowalski

Soul Mission , Ascension & Abundance - Coach/Mentor/Channel.
Founder of The Oneness Foundation.

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