FREE ONLINE EVENT: The Oneness Foundation & Gabriela Kowalski PRESENT:

Leaving the Old Grids & Creating Our Own Realities in Infinite Abundance

Sunday, 14th July 2024

6:00 pm Melbourne Australia
 8:00 pm New Zealand
11:00 am Greece
9:00 am London
4:00 am New York

✨A recording shall be sent to all who register in case you can not make it live ✨
Our history of spiritual teachings is missing something so beautiful, something so potent, something that completely changes the way we perceive and create our realities as individuals and as a collective. 

This piece, that was erased from the records, is that we are not only made of light and love, we are made of pure abundance also.

Our whole multiverse is ‘abundance’ fully expressed. 

For many souls, it feels aligned to accept that we are made of light, and that love is in our highest state, this is why so many bless each other by saying “love & light” 🫶💡

Yet somewhere in our coding, over countless generations, the portals within us to the infinite abundance that we are were shut down and mostly still sit dormant.

As many souls still co-create with inner disbelief that they truly can “have it all” and living abundantly is our natural state!

For many souls, living abundantly & truly being free, feels like a distant dream.

It is time for all souls to remember and embody that we are made of pure abundance and our organic natural state is to create & live our most abundant lives.

I am currently in Greece on a Blue Zone island named Ikaria, and from this land, I feel to deliver a FREE Global Event where we shall re-open your organic portal network to abundance libraries of light and have you embody who you truly are, Love, Light & “Abundance” in physical form.

This invitation is offered as a gift because when more souls let go of scarcity and fear-based consciousness, together we shall co-create the planet of all our dreams, a planet where all life thrives!

For the first time ever I wish to share this powerful work publicly as a gift from myself & the light beings I channel 💛

And so I wish to invite you to join me and other evolving & ascending souls in a Free Global Channeled Event to receive:

  • ACTIVATION: Of your inner portal network to higher realm Abundance, this is a Re-activation of the organic structure of consciousness connected to Abundance that has been dormant in humanity for a long time. 
  • DE-ACTIVATION: Receive a quantum surgery to extract aspects of your nervous system from any conscious & subconscious co-dependent entanglement with money, and 3rd / 4D grids of Abundance, so you and money can both be sovereign and create realities beyond what has been before. 
  • EXPLORE: The pre-existing grids that make up our shared realities and how to leave grids that no longer serve you & create your own.
  • DISCOVER: The Ascension Scrolls of Abundance & how to walk along ascension paths in the Higher Realms to grow and evolve gracefully & joyfully.
  • PLUS much much more!
Please know, this transmission is part of the codex from ‘The Codex Of Abundance Course’ & ALL the souls in this program shall receive this transmission as part of the pre-work for the full journey, so by joining us, you are experiencing my true body of work as if you were in ‘The Codex of Abundance’ too.
🎉🎉 And with lots of love in my heart, I am excited to share that we are doing a Giveaway!  

 & gifting 3 souls a full Scholarship to receive the 'Codex of Abundance' program and take a profound journey of evolution, ascension, and embodiment of your Soul’s gifts.

Please click here to find out more and apply for the scholarship!
I am sooooooo excited for this Global Event!!! & for announcing and celebrating the 3 souls joining Codex of Abundance!

Much love, light, and abundance,
Gabriela 💛


Register anyway as you will receive free access to the recording.

Yet do your best to be on live as that is where you can ask questions and I would love to have your live energy there to co-create this offering to our world!!!

Enter your name and email below to register for 
Leaving the Old Grids & Creating Our Own Realities in Infinite Abundance

Gabriela Kowalski

 Soul Mission , Ascension & Abundance - Coach/Mentor/Channel.
Founder of The Oneness Foundation.
Copyright @ Gaby Kowalski - All Rights Reserved
  • I will NOT sell anything on this training and it will be 100% jam packed value. And yes you can book a 10 min chat with me after the training if you feel inspired to work with me 
  • You will be added to a complementary Facebook group with resources and additional support if you like (at no charge) 
  • You will have access to the recording* if for some reason you can not make the live training (but please do your best to be on live as that is where you can ask specific questions and gain the most value) *Unless there is a technical issue and the recording does not work.
This is the exact system I recently shared at the live event ‘Business Freedom Immersion’ on Oct 15th, people flew in from New Zealand and all over Australia to experience it and the feedback was amazing.
“Wowsers!! The Business Freedom Immersion day is THE best business event I've ever been to. I started my business growth journey back in 2002. In the past 15 years I've invested conservatively well over $1M on my education and upskilling my knowledge. I've always done whatever it took including trips to the US and all over Australia to seek out Masters in business and Marketing. 

So here I was on another trip which saw me leaving a group of family and friends on a weekend holiday, somehow scrambling my way back to Sydney from a secluded area at 2am. Tired and exhausted. Though happy and excited as Somehow, I knew today was going to be an ultimate game changer and yes, I got that and then some. 

You know that feeling you get when you believe what they believe, and you feel like you're in absolutely THE right place. And you feel like you've known someone your whole life. Not just a day.

Thank you so much Gaby Kowalski. You're beautiful, remarkable, amazing and such a breath of fresh air”
SCOTT EDMONDS – The Business Builders
And because I was swamped with messages from people all over Australia asking when the next one was, I decided to do an online version so you could have access to this powerful knowledge now!

I will share the exact system that I have used to create the Money, Time & Impact I wished to achieve from business….

And I continue to use it to follow greater dreams and visions. It is also the system I build with my clients to assist them to create the money, time and impact they desire. 

Meaning I am giving you the FULL map on this training! 

Melanie Rumler 

Advanced Skin and Beauty Clinic in Melbourne

I implemented Gaby's Culture and Leverage system, where we fine tuned our culture and crafted a job ad specifically designed to attract the right staff.   

I now have a full and awesome team as well as only working in the business for 1 or 2 days a week. I'm living life again, traveling overseas and enjoying regular short getaways, back at the gym and having fun!   

Thank you Gaby”
  • Marketing campaigns to attract more ideal clients
  • Sales systems that convert at high levels without being all ‘salesy'
  • Vibration shifts that produce higher income, more freedom and greater impact
  • Leadership Strategies that create proactive, independent teams that free up time
And in this online event I will share what is working very well for them so you can grow your business with greater ease and flow.
I'm inviting you to the Business Freedom Online Event, to show you exactly how to grow the business of your dreams. 

And, I am doing the event completely FREE of charge! 

See, I get that you and I don’t know each other well or have only just met and I want to make it as easy as possible for you to be on this training. 

I believe if I give you 3 hours of my best strategies, you will see how powerful my Business Freedom Formula is, how close you are to having it ALL and you will want to continue the journey with me in the future. 

All I ask is that if you Sign up: 

Please Show up. 

Seats to this workshop are very limited so I can work one on one with you on your business. 

So, if you take a spot, it means you are 100% in and ready to take yourself and your business to the next level. 

See you on the training, Gaby 

P.S Here is my BIO in case you wanted to read it:

Gaby Kowalski

Hi, I am Gaby Kowalski, Founder & Creator of Business Freedom Formula™ 

My mission and passion is to share with the world how to create true fulfilment and freedom from business and live an extraordinary life.

Over the past 15 years I become No.1 in two industries of business and decided to devote my life to helping others achieve their dreams.

I believe you can BE, DO and HAVE it ALL!

That your vibe creates your life.

That the human experience is limitless.

That it is never done and the growth journey is the best part.

I believe Business Owners & Entrepreneurs shape the world.

When they treat their market, clients and staff with love…

It ripples out and creates an even more awesome world to live in for ALL..

When they evolve, transform, & grow into their Ultimate self, take inspired action and realise their dreams, goals and desires…

This sets a new standard of what’s possible, and raises the whole universe to a higher level.

I am a proven EDISC Consultant, Master NLP coach, Kinesiologist, Business Mentor, Sales Trainer, Author and Speaker.

And I am looking forward to spending the day with you at the Business Freedom Immersion Event
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